
New Parents - Reception 24-25

The Early Years Foundation Stage
Our curriculum is designed to be creative and inspiring, full of memorable experiences that allows children's natural creativity and curiosity to flourish, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge. Children are offered a wide range of experiences that broadens their understanding and equips them with the skills needed to be confident, independent, lifelong learners.

We recognise that each child is unique and tailor quality learning opportunities around each child’s individual needs and interests. Challenge is embedded within the curriculum to ensure that all children are able to meet their full potential. The curriculum forms a strong foundation from which children can build upon as they move into Key Stage 1
Our day is made up of both adult led and child initiated sessions. This enables the children to learn new skills, knowledge and understanding, which they can then transfer into their own learning and play.
Our learning environment ensures that children are able to access high quality, open ended resources for their play, providing opportunities to build on the knowledge and skills they have been taught.
Outdoor learning
We love learning outdoors. We have a fantastic outdoor area that has just been redeveloped to ensure that children can access it whatever the weather, including an amazing new super sand pit!
Our outdoor area supports children's learning across the curriculum and helps children to practice the skills they have learnt.  
Welly Wednesday
One of the highlights of the week is our Welly Wednesday session in our school woods. We love completing the Welly Wednesday challenges. We build and make things, search for clues and go on scavenger hunts. We even sometimes have a campfire and hot chocolate! 
Click the link above to access Care and Support in Cornwall. It is a very useful website and is full of ideas for parents to support their children with transition into school in September