Early Birds starts at 8am when children are welcomed into the Junior Hall where they can enjoy a breakfast of toast, jam, marmalade and/or a selection of fruit, together with a drink of milk or squash, to help set them up for a morning of learning. (Please ensure you notify the school if your child has any food allergies)
Parents and carers can drop child/ren off at any time between 8am and 8.20am in the morning at the rear Junior Hall doors. Charges for Early Birds provision is £3 per day. Early Birds sessions can be booked through ParentPay, this works in a similar way to booking school meals. We kindly ask parents/carers to make bookings at least 24 hours in advance where possible. You will need to log into your ParentPay account and select the Early Birds payment item, from there you will be able to book a place for the days you require.
Please ensure you have sufficient credit on your account when booking as the system will automatically cancel any bookings with insufficient funds after 2 hours.
You can book and pay for your child to attend Dragon's club via ParentPay. The breakdown of times and costs is listed below.
PRICING: Session 1 - 3:15pm - 4:00pm £3
ARRANGEMENTS: Your child will be collected from class by a member of staff at their finish time and escorted to Dragon's Club. Dragon's Club operates until 5.30pm Monday to Thursday and 5pm on Fridays. (Please note that late collections after this time will incur an additional fee of £1 for every 1 minute late). Collection will be via the main school entrance in the Junior building using the walkie talkie located there, to notify staff of your arrival.
SIBLINGS: If you are booking for multiple children, please ensure you book a session, snack choice and complete your payment for each child via ParentPay.
CANCELLATIONS: Please always give at least 24 hours notice if you wish to cancel any bookings, failure to do this will result in the minimum charge of £3 remaining payable.
If you have any queries please contact the school office by emailing mic-advice@rainbowacademy.org.uk