
Pupil Premium & Services Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium and SPP Grants and how we allocate the funding. Read below to see the structure of the school Inclusion Team.

Our Inclusion Team

Miss S Luff - Pupil Premium/SPP Lead 

Mrs. R. Reynolds - SPP planning lead for MKC,  Learning Mentor & whole school Nurture Lead/Nurture Lead  for KS1/2 Rainbows

 Mr. T. Squires - Autism and Dyslexia Champion and Family Liaison Officer

Mrs K Olliffe - Speech and Language

Mrs. C. Robinson - Teaching Assistant Nurture

Miss. E. Green - Teaching Assistant Nurture

Mrs. P. John- Deputy Head of School

Mrs. S. Swift - SENCO & Autism and Dyslexia Leader

Opportunities provided through pupil premium funding
  • Streamed groupings for phonics in KS1
  • Short term streaming to narrow the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged children at the end of KS1
  • Continued support from PSA (Parent Support Advisor)
  • Continuation of existing Rainbows provision
  • Continuation of existing Mini Rainbows provision in KS1
  • Provide MKC (Military Kids Connect Club)
  • FunFit sessions provided within the school day
  • Target vulnerable children for Early Birds club
  • Provide minibus transportation to events
  • 1:1 sessions to focus on individual Speech and Language targets
  • Small groups for Time to Talk
  • Support for children with communication needs through Autism Champion role.