Our Inclusion Team
Miss S Luff - Pupil Premium/SPP Lead
Mrs. R. Reynolds - SPP planning lead for MKC, Learning Mentor & whole school Nurture Lead/Nurture Lead for KS1/2 Rainbows
Mr. T. Squires - Autism and Dyslexia Champion and Family Liaison Officer
Mrs K Olliffe - Speech and LanguageMrs. C. Robinson - Teaching Assistant Nurture
Miss. E. Green - Teaching Assistant Nurture
Mrs. P. John- Deputy Head of School
Mrs. S. Swift - SENCO & Autism and Dyslexia Leader
Opportunities provided through pupil premium funding
- Streamed groupings for phonics in KS1
- Short term streaming to narrow the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged children at the end of KS1
- Continued support from PSA (Parent Support Advisor)
- Continuation of existing Rainbows provision
- Continuation of existing Mini Rainbows provision in KS1
- Provide MKC (Military Kids Connect Club)
- FunFit sessions provided within the school day
- Target vulnerable children for Early Birds club
- Provide minibus transportation to events
- 1:1 sessions to focus on individual Speech and Language targets
- Small groups for Time to Talk
- Support for children with communication needs through Autism Champion role.