Girls | Boys | P.E. Kit |
St Michael's embroidered royal
blue sweatshirt or cardigan*
St Michael's embroidered royal
blue sweatshirt*
St Michael's embroidered P.E.
T-shirt in house colours*
White blouse or St Michael's
embroidered white polo shirt*
White shirtor St Michael's
embroidered white polo shirt*
Blue shorts* or black shorts |
Grey skirt or pinafore dress with
grey or blue tights or white socks.
Grey or black trousers
Grey or black trousers or shorts | Pumps or trainers for outdoors |
During the summer girls may like to wear a blue & white checked dress.
To order your school uniform please visit our online school uniform shop, run by our uniform provider, Price & Buckland. You can watch their helpful 'how to' guide by scanning the QR code below or following this link;